Computing the standardized estimate (G-estimation) based on the Cox or Fine-Gray model : Ŝ(t, A = a) = n−1∑iS(t, A = a, Xi) and this estimator has influence function S(t, A = a, Xi) − S(t, A = a) + E(DA0(t), βS(t, A = a, Xi))ϵi(t) where ϵi(t) is the iid decomposition of (Â(t) − A(t), β̂ − β).
These estimates have a causal interpration under the assumption of no-unmeasured confounders, and even without the causal assumptions this standardization can still be a useful summary measure.
First looking cumulative incidence via the Fine-Gray model for the two causes and making a plot of the standardized cumulative incidence for cause 1.
data(bmt); bmt$time <- bmt$time+runif(nrow(bmt))*0.001
dfactor(bmt) <- tcell~tcell
bmt$event <- (bmt$cause!=0)*1
fg1 <- cifreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=1,
#> risk:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> risk0 0.4331 0.02749 0.3793 0.4870 6.321e-56
#> risk1 0.2727 0.05863 0.1577 0.3876 3.313e-06
#> Average Treatment effects (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> ps0 -0.1605 0.06353 -0.285 -0.03597 0.01153
#> Average Treatment effect risk-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [ps0] 0.6295004 0.139248 0.3565794 0.9024214 0.00779742
#> Average Treatment effect (1-risk=survival)-ratio (G-estimator) :
fg2 <- cifreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=2,
#> risk:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> risk0 0.2127 0.02314 0.1674 0.2581 3.757e-20
#> risk1 0.3336 0.06799 0.2003 0.4668 9.281e-07
#> Average Treatment effects (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> ps0 0.1208 0.07189 -0.02009 0.2617 0.09285
#> Average Treatment effect risk-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [ps0] 1.567915 0.3627528 0.8569321 2.278897 0.1174496
#> Average Treatment effect (1-risk=survival)-ratio (G-estimator) :
cif1time <- survivalGtime(fg1,bmt)
Now looking at the survival probability
ss <- phreg(Surv(time,event)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt)
sss <- survivalG(ss,bmt,50)
#> risk:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> risk0 0.6539 0.02709 0.6008 0.7070 9.218e-129
#> risk1 0.5640 0.05971 0.4470 0.6811 3.531e-21
#> Average Treatment effects (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> ps0 -0.08992 0.0629 -0.2132 0.03337 0.1529
#> Average Treatment effect risk-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [ps0] 0.8624974 0.09446477 0.6773499 1.047645 0.1455042
#> Average Treatment effect (1-risk=survival)-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [ps0] 1.259836 0.1894627 0.8884963 1.631176 0.1702385
Gtime <- survivalGtime(ss,bmt)
We compare with the similar estimates using the Doubly Robust estimating equations using binregATE. The standardization from the G-computation can also be computed using a specialized function that takes less memory and is quicker (for large data).
## survival situation
sr1 <- binregATE(Event(time,event)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=1,
time=40, treat.model=tcell~platelet+age)
#> n events
#> 408 241
#> 408 clusters
#> coeffients:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) 0.676409 0.137007 0.407880 0.944939 0.0000
#> tcell1 -0.023675 0.346994 -0.703770 0.656420 0.9456
#> platelet -0.492952 0.246158 -0.975412 -0.010492 0.0452
#> age 0.343939 0.115561 0.117444 0.570434 0.0029
#> exp(coeffients):
#> Estimate 2.5% 97.5%
#> (Intercept) 1.96680 1.50363 2.5727
#> tcell1 0.97660 0.49472 1.9279
#> platelet 0.61082 0.37704 0.9896
#> age 1.41049 1.12462 1.7690
#> Average Treatment effects (G-formula) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> treat0 0.6230976 0.0273827 0.5694284 0.6767667 0.0000
#> treat1 0.6177595 0.0731712 0.4743466 0.7611723 0.0000
#> treat:1-0 -0.0053381 0.0783973 -0.1589940 0.1483179 0.9457
#> Average Treatment effects (double robust) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> treat0 0.623337 0.027508 0.569422 0.677253 0.0000
#> treat1 0.644397 0.085942 0.475954 0.812840 0.0000
#> treat:1-0 0.021059 0.090305 -0.155935 0.198054 0.8156
## relative risk effect
estimate(coef=sr1$riskDR,vcov=sr1$var.riskDR,f=function(p) p[2]/p[1],null=1)
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [treat1] 1.034 0.1453 0.7489 1.319 0.8162
#> Null Hypothesis:
#> [treat1] = 1
## competing risks
br1 <- binregATE(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=1,
#> n events
#> 408 157
#> 408 clusters
#> coeffients:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept) -0.191519 0.130883 -0.448044 0.065007 0.1434
#> tcell1 -0.712880 0.351489 -1.401786 -0.023974 0.0425
#> platelet -0.531919 0.244495 -1.011119 -0.052718 0.0296
#> age 0.432939 0.107314 0.222607 0.643271 0.0001
#> exp(coeffients):
#> Estimate 2.5% 97.5%
#> (Intercept) 0.82570 0.63888 1.0672
#> tcell1 0.49023 0.24616 0.9763
#> platelet 0.58748 0.36381 0.9486
#> age 1.54178 1.24933 1.9027
#> Average Treatment effects (G-formula) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> treat0 0.417746 0.027030 0.364768 0.470724 0.0000
#> treat1 0.267097 0.061849 0.145874 0.388319 0.0000
#> treat:1-0 -0.150649 0.067578 -0.283100 -0.018199 0.0258
#> Average Treatment effects (double robust) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> treat0 0.417320 0.027122 0.364163 0.470478 0.0000
#> treat1 0.231149 0.060651 0.112275 0.350023 0.0001
#> treat:1-0 -0.186171 0.066053 -0.315633 -0.056710 0.0048
and using the specialized function
br1 <- binreg(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,cause=1,time=40)
Gbr1 <- binregG(br1,data=bmt)
#> risk:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> risk0 0.4177 0.02727 0.3643 0.4712 5.588e-53
#> risk1 0.2671 0.06183 0.1459 0.3883 1.562e-05
#> Average Treatment effects (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> p1 -0.1506 0.06759 -0.2831 -0.01817 0.02583
#> Average Treatment effect risk-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [p1] 0.6393758 0.1538101 0.3379136 0.9408381 0.01904716
#> Average Treatment effect (1-risk=survival)-ratio (G-estimator) :
## contrasting average age to +2-sd age, Avalues
Gbr2 <- binregG(br1,data=bmt,varname="age",Avalues=c(0,2))
#> risk:
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> risk0 0.3932 0.02537 0.3434 0.4429 3.566e-54
#> risk2 0.5997 0.05544 0.4911 0.7084 2.874e-27
#> Average Treatment effects (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> p1 0.2066 0.04998 0.1086 0.3045 3.584e-05
#> Average Treatment effect risk-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> Estimate Std.Err 2.5% 97.5% P-value
#> [p1] 1.525375 0.1324356 1.265806 1.784945 7.277532e-05
#> Average Treatment effect (1-risk=survival)-ratio (G-estimator) :
#> R version 4.4.3 (2025-02-28)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/; LAPACK version 3.12.0
#> locale:
#> time zone: Etc/UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] splines stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
#> [8] base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] ggplot2_3.5.1 cowplot_1.1.3 timereg_2.0.6 survival_3.8-3 mets_1.3.5
#> [6] rmarkdown_2.29
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] sass_0.4.9 future_1.34.0 lattice_0.22-6
#> [4] listenv_0.9.1 digest_0.6.37 magrittr_2.0.3
#> [7] evaluate_1.0.3 grid_4.4.3 mvtnorm_1.3-3
#> [10] fastmap_1.2.0 jsonlite_1.9.1 Matrix_1.7-3
#> [13] scales_1.3.0 isoband_0.2.7 codetools_0.2-20
#> [16] numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 jquerylib_0.1.4 lava_1.8.1
#> [19] cli_3.6.4 rlang_1.1.5 parallelly_1.42.0
#> [22] future.apply_1.11.3 munsell_0.5.1 withr_3.0.2
#> [25] cachem_1.1.0 yaml_2.3.10 tools_4.4.3
#> [28] parallel_4.4.3 ucminf_1.2.2 colorspace_2.1-1
#> [31] globals_0.16.3 buildtools_1.0.0 vctrs_0.6.5
#> [34] R6_2.6.1 lifecycle_1.0.4 MASS_7.3-65
#> [37] pkgconfig_2.0.3 bslib_0.9.0 pillar_1.10.1
#> [40] gtable_0.3.6 glue_1.8.0 Rcpp_1.0.14
#> [43] xfun_0.51 tibble_3.2.1 sys_3.4.3
#> [46] knitr_1.49 farver_2.1.2 htmltools_0.5.8.1
#> [49] labeling_0.4.3 maketools_1.3.2 compiler_4.4.3