Average treatment effect (ATE) for Restricted mean survival and years lost of Competing risks


Regression for rmst outcome E(T ∧ t|X) = exp(XTβ) based on IPCW adjustment for censoring, thus solving the estimating equation This is done with the resmeanIPCW function. For fully saturated model with full censoring model this is equal to the integrals of the Kaplan-Meier estimators as illustrated below.

We can also compute the integral of the Kaplan-Meier or Cox based survival estimator to get the RMST (with the resmean.phreg function) 0tS(s|X)ds.

For competing risks the years lost can be computed via cumulative incidence functions (cif.yearslost) or as IPCW estimator since
E(I(ϵ = 1)(t − T ∧ t)|X) = ∫0tF1(s)ds. For fully saturated model with full censoring model these estimators are equivalent as illustrated below.


     data(bmt); bmt$time <- bmt$time+runif(nrow(bmt))*0.001

     # E( min(T;t) | X ) = exp( a+b X) with IPCW estimation 
     out <- resmeanIPCW(Event(time,cause!=0)~tcell+platelet+age,bmt,
#>    n events
#>  408    245
#>  408 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>              Estimate   Std.Err      2.5%     97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept)  3.014321  0.065114  2.886701  3.141941  0.0000
#> tcell        0.106524  0.138268 -0.164475  0.377524  0.4410
#> platelet     0.247108  0.097337  0.056331  0.437885  0.0111
#> age         -0.185939  0.043566 -0.271327 -0.100552  0.0000
#> exp(coeffients):
#>             Estimate     2.5%   97.5%
#> (Intercept) 20.37525 17.93404 23.1488
#> tcell        1.11240  0.84834  1.4587
#> platelet     1.28032  1.05795  1.5494
#> age          0.83032  0.76237  0.9043
      ### same as Kaplan-Meier for full censoring model 
     bmt$int <- with(bmt,strata(tcell,platelet))
     out <- resmeanIPCW(Event(time,cause!=0)~-1+int,bmt,time=30,
#>                        Estimate Std.Err  2.5% 97.5%   P-value
#> inttcell=0, platelet=0    13.60  0.8316 11.97 15.23 3.826e-60
#> inttcell=0, platelet=1    18.90  1.2696 16.41 21.39 3.997e-50
#> inttcell=1, platelet=0    16.19  2.4061 11.48 20.91 1.705e-11
#> inttcell=1, platelet=1    17.77  2.4536 12.96 22.58 4.463e-13
     out1 <- phreg(Surv(time,cause!=0)~strata(tcell,platelet),data=bmt)
     rm1 <- resmean.phreg(out1,times=30)
#>                     strata times    rmean  se.rmean years.lost
#> tcell=0, platelet=0      0    30 13.60295 0.8315418   16.39705
#> tcell=0, platelet=1      1    30 18.90127 1.2693263   11.09873
#> tcell=1, platelet=0      2    30 16.19121 2.4006185   13.80879
#> tcell=1, platelet=1      3    30 17.76610 2.4421987   12.23390
     ## competing risks years-lost for cause 1  
     out <- resmeanIPCW(Event(time,cause)~-1+int,bmt,time=30,cause=1,
#>                        Estimate Std.Err   2.5%  97.5%   P-value
#> inttcell=0, platelet=0   12.105  0.8508 10.438 13.773 6.162e-46
#> inttcell=0, platelet=1    6.884  1.1741  4.583  9.185 4.536e-09
#> inttcell=1, platelet=0    7.261  2.3533  2.648 11.873 2.033e-03
#> inttcell=1, platelet=1    5.780  2.0925  1.679  9.882 5.737e-03
     ## same as integrated cumulative incidence 
     rmc1 <- cif.yearslost(Event(time,cause)~strata(tcell,platelet),data=bmt,times=30,cause=1)
#>                     strata times    intF11   intF12 se.intF11 se.intF12
#> tcell=0, platelet=0      0    30 12.105125 4.291930 0.8508102 0.6161439
#> tcell=0, platelet=1      1    30  6.884171 4.214556 1.1740988 0.9057028
#> tcell=1, platelet=0      2    30  7.260755 6.548034 2.3532867 1.9703340
#> tcell=1, platelet=1      3    30  5.780369 6.453535 2.0924946 2.0815225
#>                     total.years.lost
#> tcell=0, platelet=0         16.39705
#> tcell=0, platelet=1         11.09873
#> tcell=1, platelet=0         13.80879
#> tcell=1, platelet=1         12.23390

     ## plotting the years lost for different horizon's and the two causes 
     ## cause refers to column of cumhaz for the different causes

Based on the output from the IPCW estimators we can derive any measure of interest

#>                        Estimate Std.Err   2.5%  97.5%   P-value
#> inttcell=0, platelet=0   12.105  0.8508 10.438 13.773 6.162e-46
#> inttcell=0, platelet=1    6.884  1.1741  4.583  9.185 4.536e-09
#> inttcell=1, platelet=0    7.261  2.3533  2.648 11.873 2.033e-03
#> inttcell=1, platelet=1    5.780  2.0925  1.679  9.882 5.737e-03

measures <- function(p) {
 ratio1 <- p[1]/p[2]; ratio2 <- p[2]/p[1]; dif1 <- p[4]-p[1]; dif2 <- p[3]-p[1]
 m <- c(dif1,dif2,ratio1,ratio2)

 labs <- c("dif4-1","dif3-1","ratio 1/2","ratio 2/1")
#>           Estimate Std.Err     2.5%    97.5%   P-value
#> dif4-1     -6.3248  2.2589 -10.7520 -1.89748 5.111e-03
#> dif3-1     -4.8444  2.5024  -9.7489  0.06018 5.288e-02
#> ratio 1/2   1.7584  0.3244   1.1227  2.39414 5.924e-08
#> ratio 2/1   0.5687  0.1049   0.3631  0.77431 5.924e-08

Average treatment effect

Computes average treatment effect for restricted mean survival and years lost in competing risks situation

 dfactor(bmt) <- tcell~tcell
 bmt$event <- (bmt$cause!=0)*1
 out <- resmeanATE(Event(time,event)~tcell+platelet,data=bmt,time=40,treat.model=tcell~platelet)
#>    n events
#>  408    241
#>  408 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>              Estimate   Std.Err      2.5%     97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept)  2.852670  0.062493  2.730187  2.975153  0.0000
#> tcell1       0.021403  0.122907 -0.219489  0.262296  0.8618
#> platelet     0.303496  0.090758  0.125614  0.481379  0.0008
#> exp(coeffients):
#>             Estimate     2.5%   97.5%
#> (Intercept) 17.33400 15.33575 19.5926
#> tcell1       1.02163  0.80293  1.2999
#> platelet     1.35459  1.13384  1.6183
#> Average Treatment effects (G-formula) :
#>           Estimate  Std.Err     2.5%    97.5% P-value
#> treat0    19.26228  0.95926 17.38217 21.14239  0.0000
#> treat1    19.67900  2.22777 15.31265 24.04536  0.0000
#> treat:1-0  0.41672  2.41067 -4.30810  5.14154  0.8628
#> Average Treatment effects (double robust) :
#>           Estimate Std.Err    2.5%   97.5% P-value
#> treat0     19.3262  1.0516 17.2650 21.3873  0.0000
#> treat1     21.5621  3.8018 14.1106 29.0135  0.0000
#> treat:1-0   2.2359  4.1993 -5.9946 10.4664  0.5944
 out1 <- resmeanATE(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet,data=bmt,cause=1,time=40,
#>    n events
#>  408    157
#>  408 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>              Estimate   Std.Err      2.5%     97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept)  2.806305  0.069618  2.669856  2.942754  0.0000
#> tcell1      -0.374071  0.247669 -0.859493  0.111351  0.1310
#> platelet    -0.491745  0.164946 -0.815033 -0.168456  0.0029
#> exp(coeffients):
#>             Estimate     2.5%   97.5%
#> (Intercept) 16.54866 14.43789 18.9680
#> tcell1       0.68793  0.42338  1.1178
#> platelet     0.61156  0.44262  0.8450
#> Average Treatment effects (G-formula) :
#>           Estimate  Std.Err     2.5%    97.5% P-value
#> treat0    14.53197  0.95707 12.65616 16.40778  0.0000
#> treat1     9.99695  2.37814  5.33588 14.65802  0.0000
#> treat:1-0 -4.53502  2.57516 -9.58224  0.51220  0.0782
#> Average Treatment effects (double robust) :
#>             Estimate    Std.Err       2.5%      97.5% P-value
#> treat0     14.520356   0.957707  12.643285  16.397428  0.0000
#> treat1      9.456750   2.405120   4.742802  14.170697  0.0001
#> treat:1-0  -5.063606   2.585664 -10.131415   0.004202  0.0502

 out2 <- resmeanATE(Event(time,cause)~tcell+platelet,data=bmt,cause=2,time=40,
#>    n events
#>  408     84
#>  408 clusters
#> coeffients:
#>               Estimate    Std.Err       2.5%      97.5% P-value
#> (Intercept)  1.8266093  0.1312179  1.5694269  2.0837917  0.0000
#> tcell1       0.4751761  0.2403802  0.0040395  0.9463127  0.0481
#> platelet    -0.0090727  0.2168458 -0.4340827  0.4159374  0.9666
#> exp(coeffients):
#>             Estimate    2.5%  97.5%
#> (Intercept)  6.21279 4.80389 8.0349
#> tcell1       1.60830 1.00405 2.5762
#> platelet     0.99097 0.64786 1.5158
#> Average Treatment effects (G-formula) :
#>           Estimate  Std.Err     2.5%    97.5% P-value
#> treat0     6.19518  0.71372  4.79631  7.59405  0.0000
#> treat1     9.96369  2.09256  5.86236 14.06503  0.0000
#> treat:1-0  3.76851  2.21654 -0.57582  8.11285  0.0891
#> Average Treatment effects (double robust) :
#>           Estimate  Std.Err     2.5%    97.5% P-value
#> treat0     6.21830  0.71424  4.81842  7.61818  0.0000
#> treat1    10.38142  2.22242  6.02556 14.73728  0.0000
#> treat:1-0  4.16312  2.33581 -0.41500  8.74123  0.0747


#> R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libblas.so.3 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/libopenblasp-r0.3.26.so;  LAPACK version 3.12.0
#> locale:
#>  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
#>  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=C              
#>  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
#>  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
#>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
#> time zone: Etc/UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
#> [8] base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] ggplot2_3.5.1  cowplot_1.1.3  timereg_2.0.6  survival_3.8-3 mets_1.3.5    
#> [6] rmarkdown_2.29
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] sass_0.4.9          future_1.34.0       lattice_0.22-6     
#>  [4] listenv_0.9.1       digest_0.6.37       magrittr_2.0.3     
#>  [7] evaluate_1.0.3      grid_4.4.2          mvtnorm_1.3-3      
#> [10] fastmap_1.2.0       jsonlite_1.9.0      Matrix_1.7-2       
#> [13] scales_1.3.0        isoband_0.2.7       codetools_0.2-20   
#> [16] numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 jquerylib_0.1.4     lava_1.8.1         
#> [19] cli_3.6.4           rlang_1.1.5         parallelly_1.42.0  
#> [22] future.apply_1.11.3 munsell_0.5.1       withr_3.0.2        
#> [25] cachem_1.1.0        yaml_2.3.10         tools_4.4.2        
#> [28] parallel_4.4.2      ucminf_1.2.2        colorspace_2.1-1   
#> [31] globals_0.16.3      buildtools_1.0.0    vctrs_0.6.5        
#> [34] R6_2.6.1            lifecycle_1.0.4     MASS_7.3-64        
#> [37] pkgconfig_2.0.3     bslib_0.9.0         pillar_1.10.1      
#> [40] gtable_0.3.6        glue_1.8.0          Rcpp_1.0.14        
#> [43] xfun_0.51           tibble_3.2.1        sys_3.4.3          
#> [46] knitr_1.49          farver_2.1.2        htmltools_0.5.8.1  
#> [49] labeling_0.4.3      maketools_1.3.2     compiler_4.4.2